
I wasn’t subtle about the fact that yesterday was hard. I had a pretty sweet wicked brutal meltdown last night, keeping us up fairly late. However, I’m happy to say that Brady and I slept like rocks and I was ready to get our day started! We still have our list that we’re working on, and sort of decided to work at it a bit today, but nothing too crazy. Just some of the little stuff. Really, everything on that list is going to produce garbage, and the dump nearby isn’t open until Tuesday, so we can’t make too much more of a mess! So I was excited to get up and get on the baking chunk of the day. Dekker is very interested in whats happening every time the mixer goes on, and he’s starting to really enjoy pulling a chair up to the counter and keeping watch over the situation. And then I discovered we had no sugar. Like, maaaybe a cup. So my whole baking plan was nixed, which was a bit discouraging, but not the end of the world. I say and ate breakfast with the family, and we went about our day normally. I did a couple of things, like getting a few things off the bathroom counter and into tubs, but nothing much.

When the kids went down for their nap, Brady and I went into our second basement bedroom/storage room to see if anything could be tidied or helped. We couldn’t do much in there, unfortunately. Its sort of holding all the furniture that we want to keep for wherever we move next, but doesn’t have a place now. It also has all the big baby toys, like the swing, bouncy chair, etc. And a mini fridge. And the single stroller. And a drum kit. And a couple of guitar cases and amps. And some bins of toys. And the cradle that baby Jim will use when he’s first born. And some doors. Like the room is bursting. Oh, and a HUGE pile of diaper boxes that we’re hanging onto for moving. There was really very little we could do. We rearranged a little bit and put the closet doors back on the closet, but that was pretty much it. Oh and get this. We added stuff to that room today.

Better than the storage room, we personally attacked our walk-in closet today. It was a HUGE mess! Every time I would reach for something on the shelf, I expected the whole thing to just come down on me. Plus we have clothing store bags all over the floor, jewelry laying in amongst a pile of size tags on the dresser, and basically just dust bunnies on everything. It was pretty vile. So we purged through our clothes a bit, threw a bunch of bags and paper away, and put a few things into tubs and on the top shelf. I separated my pregnant clothes from my not-so-pregnant clothes, and we freed up a bunch more space for Bradys work clothes, which are usually just in a heap. We moved out absolutely everything that doesn’t belong in a closet. Its AWESOME! I’m so happy with the result. That gave me a feeling of productivity, finally!

We had pizza for supper, which our kids were super happy about. Dekker was eager to go play downstairs after we ate, and was thrilled to find a little flashlight keychain thing I had thrown down there for him. My son loooved flashlights, but has a tendency to leave them on, burning up the battery. This one only shines when you hold the button so hopefully we have a bit of time left on it. But he was thrilled. Laela, not so much. Poor munchkin. Her ears and cheeks were sooo red and hot that I checked her temperature but its low. She’s just teething so hard. Molars are so hard, because they have to cut through in a number of places, right? And of course, she doesn’t ever work on one at a time. Apparently that wouldn’t be efficient. She’s working on for sure two right now, and I can see those eye teeth are juuust below the surface too. Yikes. Poor dear. She was so ready for bed.

Dekker is still talking away in his room, but he’s happy, which is nice. While he’s been awake but in bed, we accomplished more in our house. We packed up all of our summer shoes and replaced them with boots. We put away the shoes that don’t fit the kid anymore, brought the skates upstairs. We also finally put away the suitcases from our Vegas trip. Don’t judge! I’m already embarrassed, ok? Does anyone else have that problem? If you don’t unpack them the day you get home, it just doesn’t get done? We’re so bad for that. And I mean, they were pretty much empty, minus a few pairs of socks and gift bags. But we got those all taken care of as well, and out bedroom is swept. I can’t remember what all else but we did a few solid chores that we can cross off the list, and we got a good start on a few others.

Tomorrow, I’m going to hit up the city in the afternoon for a couple of hours for groceries, and some lunch and shopping with a friend. Brady is going to try and backup/reload our laptop. Its seemingly on its way out, so this is our last ditch effort to bring it back to life. Get it all updated, backed up, and wiped clean. A fresh start always feels good! Hopefully our Mac agrees!