Fractions with Laela

The kids are getting older, and starting to really run in all different directions more often. Last night, Dekker was out until quite late, so Laela was up on her own for a chunk of the evening. She had been gone at a friends house since school, and she had some homework that she had to do to make up for her day at track last week. So while the house was quiet, she got into that homework.

It was pretty funny, though. She was SO hyper. She had really enjoyed her time with her friends, first off, so she was riding a bit of a social high. She had also had some sugary iced tea with her supper, so she was absolutely buzzing. And I’ve said before, but since Frozen, she is just so much more silly and animated. So she was energetic! And it was really fun to witness!!!

Brady and I hung out in the kitchen while she did her work at the island. She was telling stories and jokes and being silly, and we were teasing her and messing up her homework, and just sharing some good giggles between the three of us. Between the newer unit of math and the distraction from the group of us, she wasn’t wrapping her head around every question as well as she thought she would. So out came the goldfish.

Fractions are easier with props, had you heard?

We got through her math, and she had absorbed it pretty well by the end of her questions. Then she ate her goldfish and went to bed.

It was a cute way to wrap up her day, with her being really happy and also productive and also learny (yes its a word) and also funny. If thats not the definition of perfect well roundedness, I don’t know what is.