Hat Day is the Best Day

I’m usually quite a buzzkill in terms of spirit days at school, but hat day is something I can get behind.

We were gifted a whole bunch of cute costumey hats a couple of years ago, and they were an absolutely HIT at the time!! Eventually, some of the novelty wore off, and they don’t get pulled out as much. Until hat day. I love the fashion show that comes with choosing their hats for school. The kids have SO much fun!!

This is what we have so far!

We have Rowan, who just wants to wear his own hat.

We have Dekker, who has worn the donkey hat every single hat day, and insisted on maintaining the tradition. This is him mimicking the donkey’s expression.

He may be wearing it to be funny, but he’s also still very much his serious self 😂

Laela flipflopped between a few options. The first look was the epitome of “duck lips” but don’t worry, she didn’t end up choosing this statement “hat.”

She went full panda bear instead. Because its not going to be 30C outside today. Or is it?

Solly and Wavy tried on a lot of things, but Solly knew right off the hop that he wanted to be the chicken.

I LOVE that he chose the chicken hat. And that he walked to school with it on his head. He’s absolutely always drenched in sweat anyway, so whats the difference?

Say a prayer for me today. I may or may not be in danger at home with this monster…

I tease. She’s super cute and I’m not afraid. Not entirely anyway. If I were to be attacked by something intimidating, I’m pretty sure she’s the jackpot.