Free the Nose

Brady is free from his nose bandage!!! 

What a huge relief!! For him, and the guy who took it out. Everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that the 2’ chunk of glaze shoved up his nose was hardly even bloody, meaning it had pretty much stopped bleeding before they packed it. What a huge win!! He was checked on about every ten minutes over the next hour or so, and the bleeding has NOT resumed! Thank you, Lord! Brady can, once again, breathe through his nose!

Not only that, but Brady cooked me lunch that day. Farmer sausage and cheesy potatoes.

The struggle of trying to only cook for two people, though. Hahaha!

It was SO nice to be together, with our OT, hahaha, smelling familiar food and bantering about normal stuff. Brady cooks a lot at home, so its very natural to him. It was easy to see where some challenges may lie ahead, but there is still so much time for healing and change. There will be some funding for modifications and not for others. Lots of bridges to cross in due time. But instead of worrying about that now, we’re just trying to be positive and hopeful and trust in God. 

Speaking of modifications, wish us luck with our camper! Hahaha! We have a lot of figuring ahead of us, but we WILL be enjoying our lake spot one way or another!