The True Nature of God

Cher here!

No need to be concerned about why I am writing another blog post. As her bestie, I lightly offered a little break from worrying about writing every day for a couple days if she needed or wanted. This could be today only, or three days, or a week. It’s entirely up to her. She is so strong and brave, and very deserving of more time to focus on herself, her relationship with God, and of course, her family. Please keep praying for her, and all of them. Not out of worry, but out of love. 

I just wanted to share a little bit about what I have been learning about, and what Hailey and I have been discussing: the true nature of God. It is so hard for us to fully understand how dear we are to him. It’s easy to think we know when we don’t TRULY know. I was listening to someone the other day (Andrew Wommack) and he explained it like this: Say you were at Best Buy and you were in line to purchase a new speaker. Then, when you get to the front of the line, Jesus takes out his wallet and says to the cashier “I’ve got this, please put it on my card.” But many of us still feel like we owe. We go home, and we think “I still need to pay”, so we get on the phone and call the store and get them to send us monthly bills so we can purchase it a second time. Doesn’t that seem totally redundant? Jesus was HAPPY to pay for that gift. We never have to pay a second time for what he already paid for. We are totally free of debt (sin) in his eyes. That doesn’t mean He won’t show us where we have gone wrong, but that we are already forgiven. We must accept this payment and TRUST Jesus with our lives. What a beautiful feeling. “Jesus didn’t suffer any sorrow or grief for His own sins or mistakes. All of Jesus’ suffering was substitutionary for us.”

I hope all of you have a really wonderful day, and remember how loved you are.