
Did everyone else realize it was Friday? Because I didn’t! My week with Brady at home has gone by waaay too fast! We thought we were going to be out of the hospital on Tuesday, and were even cleared to go on Monday already! But ended up staying longer due to Laela’s jaundice, which actually might have been missed had we gone home on Monday. So while it all adds up, and it was good that we stayed, for everyone involved. But sad that we had so few days at home. Thats life, I suppose.

Lucky for me, I have my mom nearby! She has already been bringing us meals and I know she is willing to come any and all days that I need a hand in the near future. I also feel more blessed every day knowing that we have so many people around who want to be involved and help out in whatever way we need. God is good, and I know we’re taken care of.

Mommy and Laela love
Mommy and Laela love

As for everyone around here, we’re all doing pretty well.

Brady has fallen into “new daddy role” smoothly, just like last time. He continually says how much more comfortable he feels this time around. I suppose that happens with each child, and I’m glad he’s so confident. He is also the most involved and helpful man you’ll ever meet. He is more than happy to take Laela off my hands if I need to be hands-free for a moment, or to pass her over to me if he needs to go rescue Dekker from the general terrors that befall him, such as his ride on toy getting hung up on another toy, a picture falling off the fridge, etc. There is a decent amount of drama around here and he handles it pretty well in stride.

Dekker is adjusting to Laela’s presence better than I thought! His first night was really hard, but he has gotten much more used to it since then. He now waves at Laela, says her name a lot (“Lala!”), touches her hands and feet, offers her toys, etc. He still won’t kiss her or sit too close, but as soon as he’s out of his high chair, he’s on the hunt for her. When he finds her, he points and squeals sooo loudly in excitement. And she just sleeps like there’s no noise. You’d think she’s been hearing his shrieks for a while now. So all in all, Dekker is still shy but quite enamoured with her.

Laela is settling in very well. Her two nights here have been amazingly better than our nights in the hospital. We were up only three times last night! She knows she’s home, and that makes me very happy. She’s not eating quite as much as I’d like, but all I know is my tank son who guzzled like mad immediately. She is still eating more than what all the charts say she should eat so I’m trying not to put much thought into it at all. Her diapers are as they should be. She’s still in the babymoon stage of sleeping almost constantly. We look forward to her wakeful times. She has great expressions. Her hair is sooo smooth and long, already on her neck a little. Overall, Laela seems to be in great health. She and I will need to hit up the chiropractor sooner than later though, as she has a pretty serious side preference, even more than Dekker did, and while we’re doing our best to force her one way or the other over here, she is strong enough to lay her head back exactly where she wants it. With that, something crazy that we’ve noticed is that her dexterity is incredible! She is still “newborn awkward” and flails around a lot, but more than a few times, she grabs her bottle and actually holds it for around ten seconds before she gives out. But she has great aim! Oh, and she almost rolled today. Got all the way over on one side. Crazy stuff.

I’m not feeling the best I’ve felt yet, but I’m doing ok. I’ve felt surprisingly good after all of this, probably on the biggest adrenaline high of my life. I think today is the day I’ve started to come off of it. My limbs all ache like I was in a car accident. While the bruises on my legs (from squeezing them so tight while laboring in the car) are healed up and faded, my muscles are now suffering pretty horribly. My neck and back are sooo tight and my pelvis is, of course, in rough shape as well. Because why wouldn’t it be? I really do think I’m just coming off of things, but at the same time, as soon as I’m comfortable with the idea of having my body cracked a bit, I’m heading to get things put back into place! Besides my random body pain today, I’m pretty well the same. No big complaints, besides the obvious discomforts that come from delivering a baby. Nothing I can’t handle.

So the family is doing fine 🙂 Thanks to all who ask and have wished us well. Tomorrow we will go to Saskatoon to run a few errands as a family of four, and we’re really looking forward to it! I wish I had planned further ahead though. I want to write out cards to the people who cared for us during our stay in the hospital. Especially the doctor who delivered us! That poor man, haha! I wish we could write apology notes to all the other women laboring silently in the Labor and Delivery Ward. But the doctors and nurses will have to do. I guess that won’t all be tomorrow. But sometime soon anyway.

Bathtime for me! And a snack. Sigh. Getting out of the night snack habit is going to be a tough one. Because at this point, I’m thinking tonights snack will either be a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie, a piece of pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting, or barbecue Pringles. Yup, we have all those things. We’re in trouble, basically.

Good night, all!

mama jeanne

Oh Hailey, isn’t nice to see so many wonderful things to be thankful for….I’m feeling so grateful for my family and how we love each other and care for each other. Now you and Brady have a good start to what I am so in the middle of and it’s terrific….take it from me 🙂 I loved seeing you and Brady teasing each other today and loving and playing with your children. You are a great family. MayGod bless you and He has already 🙂 I love you.