Happy Baby, Happy Home – IN PHOTOS!

I was thinking I would make this something of a “first day at home” post, but we were home yesterday already, so does it even count?? Who knows. I figured that, instead, I’d opt for a photo post of the last day or so.

Before that though, my parents brought supper over tonight and stayed for the evening. Brady and I had bought a bottle of bubbly and once Dekker was in bed and Laela was asleep in Bradys arms, we did a toast to the new little life that has joined our family. It was so touching to all say a prayer for her and wish her well. Somehow, it left me feeling nostalgic for the last couple of days, so thanks to that – the photo post! Already, little memories built since Laela has arrived.

First, an older picture –

Screen shot 2013-10-03 at 9.21.39 PMThis was supposed to show how Dekker and I sleep the same sometimes. I had to add it in here before I showed you something kind of sweet πŸ™‚

IMG_2459Apparently Laela and I sleep the same too! I like it πŸ™‚

So to start the random photos!!! This was when we finally got to bring baby girl home! Ya, the toque covered her eyes a bit but there is no way to anticipate a new baby's head size! Not when your babies are mondo like mine, anyway.
So to start the random photos!!! This was when we finally got to bring baby girl home! Ya, the toque covered her eyes a bit but there is no way to anticipate a new baby’s head size! Not when your babies are mondo like mine, anyway. Also, kudos to my mom for the blanket!
If anyone is wondering what was beneath that little green coat, it was her sweater dress. We were hoping for warmer weather I suppose, and it was a crummy day for that when we left the hospital, so she never really got a chance to show it off.
If anyone is wondering what was beneath that little green coat, it was her sweater dress. We were hoping for warmer weather I suppose, and it was a crummy day for that when we left the hospital, so she never really got a chance to show it off.
WE arrived home to this. Doesn't look like much more than a bit of an unkempt bedroom but that towel was where I sat, trying to dress myself amidst contractions about one hour before Laela was born. *shivers*
We arrived home to this. Doesn’t look like much more than a bit of an unkempt bedroom but that towel was where I sat, trying to dress myself amidst contractions about one hour before Laela was born. *shivers* May as well be a crime scene.
This morning. EARLY. Totally worth it. Last night we switched off, me doing a diaper and feed, and then Brady taking the next shift. I left Laela with Brady while I went to the bathroom so he wouldn't have to even get out of bed if she fussed. Came back to this :) Warm.
This morning. EARLY. Totally worth it. Last night we switched off, me doing a diaper and feed, and then Brady taking the next shift. I left Laela with Brady while I went to the bathroom so he wouldn’t have to even get out of bed if she fussed. Came back to this πŸ™‚ Warm.
Dekker eating toast on a fork. Because why not?! His arrival back home last night was a bit rough but he's already settling in better.
Dekker eating toast on a fork. Because why not?! His arrival back home last night was a bit rough but he’s already settling in better.
Taking a picture of Laela in her position of complete abandon, when Deks walked by and saw himself in the camera. Therefore - they're finally both in a picture!
Taking a picture of Laela in her position of complete abandon, when Deks walked by and saw himself in the camera. Therefore – they’re finally both in a picture!
Squishy face.
Squishy face.
Ok, I don't want to be "that person" but I was getting dressed to go play with Dekker outside and couldn't help but think I looked pretty ok! Better than I thought I'd look so shortly after delivering my baby! Still in maternity jeans, but maternity skinny jeans that haven't fit me for two months! Still counts, I think!
Ok, I don’t want to be “that person” but I was getting dressed to go play with Dekker outside and couldn’t help but think I looked pretty ok! Better than I thought I’d look so shortly after delivering my baby! Still in maternity jeans, but maternity skinny jeans that haven’t fit me for two months! Still counts, I think!
Laela Baby, you're the one! You make bathtime lots of fun! Laela Hazel, I'm awfully fond of you! Laela's first bath :)
Laela Baby, you’re the one! You make bathtime lots of fun! Laela Hazel, I’m awfully fond of you!
Laela’s first bath πŸ™‚
Post bath. Before combing her hair, I couldn't help but consider this as curl potential?
Post bath. Before combing her hair, I couldn’t help but consider this as curl potential?
So comfy on daddys chest
So comfy on daddys chest
Lastly, my mom brought the photo album with my newborn baby pictures in it so I could see how much Laela looks like me. She really does, by the way! But the picture I'm choosing to show on here is one that PROVES that there is a bit of me in Dekker!!! Can you see it?!
Lastly, my mom brought the photo album with my newborn baby pictures in it so I could see how much Laela looks like me. She really does, by the way! But the picture I’m choosing to show on here is one that PROVES that there is a bit of me in Dekker!!! Can you see it?!

Ok, the end of the random photo post! I promise, they won’t all be so random and informationless, but I like photo posts and I like my kids.

My LAST comment for the day is to thank everyone who has commented on here, or on Facebook, or sent me a private message in the last little while. I have not responded to any of you, and while I feel pretty guilty about it already, I know I can’t catch up and might just leave it for a bit longer. I’m sorry. But WOW do we appreciate every prayer, positive thought, compliment, and well wish that has been passed on to us. As I said earlier, so many of you I didn’t know even read my blog! Thank you for all the love and support. And sorry to those of you who are pregnant and super grossed our or terrified to give birth now. I don’t claim to have any expertise in the area but if anyone has questions or comparisons they’re curious about, feel free to ask anything! If people really want to know both sides of the coin, maybe I’ll do a post on it!

This whole thing got jumbled now, but I’m not even going to reread it because I think I want it all in here. Just won’t be eloquent. Overlook that kind of thing for the next little while, if you can.

Sleep tight, all!

mama jeanne

so many beautiful pictures…..great going home outfit..wow! On the way home from your place this evening I kept thinking how little Laela is another beautiful song in my heartβ™₯ How very blessed I feel πŸ™‚ Sleep in heavenly peace and for a longer period than 1 1/2 hours at a time πŸ™‚ I love you all so much. See you tomorrow.