Fried Lunch

Lol! Don’t judge me. Deal? Deal.

Today for lunch, Wavy and I both ate an apple, and when I went looking for further food, I came across some leftover KD in the fridge. Lately, I’ve been really enjoying leftover macaroni. I’ve always been willing to eat it, but we can all agree its best fresh, am I right? Well, these days, I fry the leftovers, and its been a total game changer.

I put a little butter in the pan and wait for it to sizzle before I unceremoniously dump the square block of noodles out of the container, and throw the lid on. Now I tend to helicopter parent the food I’m cooking, but with KD, I neglect it fully. When I start to hear it, I flip it around a bit to see if I’m getting a little bit of color. At that point, I throw on a handful of bacon bits and put the lid back on. Again, I wait until I hear it before going back to it. At that point, its pretty done.

Today, as soon as I pulled out the frying pan, Waverly excited asked for some. Our kids love their macaroni to be juicy (or as Wavy would say, doucey) so I warner her that it might not be her jam. But still, I dumped in enough that would allow her to have some, too.

And she LOVED it.

Yes, I promise, I know its trash. She eats very well, and she is more than welcome to indulge in some greasy leftovers with me once in a while.

She went down for a nap with a full warm belly, and I’m doing much of the same, hahaha! I’ll sit up and do something of value soon enough, but first, I’m going to just rest and let my belly be happy.