Side Up Down

You know the funny things kids say when they’re just learning to talk. Or the funny pronunciations? I love that stuff. I never push to change them, because I know it’ll happen eventually and I will really miss them. For instance, right now, a couple of our kids call the junk drawer the drunk drawer. I definitely really enjoy that one. Though I promise, the drunk drawer is well out of reach! Lol!

When Laela was really little, she would lay on the armrest of the couch with her head hanging off the edge, and say she was “side up down.” I LOVED that one.


Today, Laela put her glasses on side up down, and it became a trend.

Dekker was too cool for it at first, but I talked him into it.

Solly was all over it. And also an easy target.

And Rowan already had his contact in, but could not be left out! So he took the hit of having a wild prescription for a few seconds to join the fun!

Once everyone had adequately played with their glasses, they all got a GOOD clean, and I sent them out the door.

Moral of the story is that the kids are cute. Period. And that there are some funny pros to them all having glasses, the biggest being that Rowan and Solly’s progress reports spewed amazing improvements on their reading and writing since getting glasses! Thank you Lord for technology and information and guidance!!