Friends and Milestones

The kids and I spent the morning together, but right around lunch, my friend Nicole and her son came for a visit. I don’t see them too often but we always have SUCH a nice visit when we do! Its also nice because Dekker and Laela love babies, and she brings one who is exactly four months older than Rowan. So still little and harmless, but he’s more interactive and mobile. Its a fun dynamic.

Laela specifically got a big kick out of him, and wanted to touch his hair. I kept hearing her say “Hi Roro” to him, but we switched it up to “Hi baby” and it made more sense for everyone.

The kids had eaten most of their snack before they arrived, and they went down for a nap not too long afterwards. I’ve been phasing out naps for Dekker at least, because I know he would sleep better at night, but these last few evenings have been unbelievably hard, starting around 5:00pm. Its a complete disaster, and I can’t do that everyday. I need to remember that making a change doesn’t always have to be a cold turkey type of situation. Things can be different from day to day sometimes. Its not like I’m implementing a hard and fast rule. Just a change in routine.

Nicole and I made some big delicious salads and visited about health, hobbies, houses, and nothing else that spontaneously fits into that alliteration. We got in a few good hours of talking before she had to go. It was really refreshing to have her around again 🙂

About an hour maybe after she left, the kids all got up from their naps, and we went downstairs. Its super sweaty outside, and we hid out in the cool basement. I was changing diapers and once I finished Rowans, he rolled over from his back to his tummy!! This was his first roll, and it was so smooth! I reached over for the camera, but he had rolled back the other way, back onto his back!!! The kids and I made a big fuss about it, clapped like crazy, and terrified poor Ro for a moment. But we recovered, and celebrated in a less shocking way.

Now Brady is on his way home, and we are planning for a positive evening full of playing and eating and joy.

** As I scanned this page before hitting “publish” I read the title of the post as “Flintstones.” Anyone else??