New Day?

After having a big cry this afternoon and chewing off all of my fingernails, I think I can recap positivity on today, haha! I’m not a freak. I’m not a freak. I’m NOT a freak!

I had Hailey over today. She brought her three daycare kids and I had my three kids, so it was a full house! Dekker was, once again, pretty antisocial, and did a lot of fussing, even when the kids would bring him toys to try and entice him to play with them. It makes me sad that he won’t just put himself out there 🙁

Lunch was another story entirely though!! I was on the phone upstairs when Hailey came up to make lunch. She silently put together plates for Dekker and Laela as well, out of the food that she had brought! SO nice! One less thing I had to deal with in that moment. Once off the phone, we all sat and watched the children, specifically my son, DEVOUR his lunch! Seriously, he ate as thought I’d never fed him. He ate 1.5 ham sandwiches, two small handfuls of carrots, two handfuls of snap peas, two handfuls of grapes, and a whole apple!!! It was crazy town!!!!! Not surprisingly, he was much more energetic in the afternoon. Unfortunately, he still didn’t branch out and play with the kids, but he was less cowering and much more open to conversation. One of the kids even came to tickle his feet and he laughed like crazy! So it looked up.

Once everyone left, Deks and Laela began getting on each others nerves. I turned on the tv quietly and tried to give them some downtime but they were both on edge and hatin’ on each other. Not ideal. But I tried. It had been a big day for all of us.

Brady came home also exhausted and grouchy after a long day. He had been on the phone a lot in the afternoon and had lost a lot of time, causing him to have to work late. But his mood was awful, and we decided to eat after the kids were down, because their moods were awful. Haha! Clearly not our best day.

Then, for the second time today, Dekker ate like he had never been fed. He ate all of the leftovers we had on hand, two big handfuls of cucumber pieces, tomatoes, celery, and because we were running out of ideas, he had a cheese sandwich. Oh. My. GOSH!!! It was nuts.

Because of the crappy moods, we had decided to put the kids down early, and they practically ate right up until it was time to go tidy toys up downstairs. That got done, and they went down pretty sad. Rowan, however, finally ate a good sized feeding. His feedings have sucked (literally) for the last couple of days. I keep reminding myself that the other kids would pretty much stop eating when they were working really hard on teeth. When this evenings feeding went so smoothly, I checked his gums and sure enough!, we have his first tooth!! Its just barely through, but its there!!! I hope he gets at least a tiny bit of relief before the next one comes. My kids tend to get teeth in twos, at least. But then again, both Dekker and Laela had two teeth by the time they turned four months old, and Ro is now 4.5 months old with just barely one. Who knows whats coming next?!

Anyway, I don’t want to bring anyone down. I try so hard to focus on positivity, but today was a tough one. Thanks, Hailey, for being around and tolerant of our life and the conflicts that come along with it. I appreciate you <3 Hopefully tomorrow will be the next day and fresh start that we need around here!