Frozen Toes. en.

It is amazingly cold again out here today!!!

photoWe skipped church today since Brady worked a full day yesterday and we decided he deserved to sleep in. His cold has been totally ruthless and now that we’re FINALLY seeing some improvement, we don’t want to push at all. So, we missed church but still went to spend the day with my parents. This picture is of me the entire drive over. Frozen.

I know everyone is bored with talking about the weather, and that is fine, but in my last post I asked what people wanted to hear and all of my loving friends said things like “We want to hear about what you want to talk about” of things along those lines. And today, the main event has been that I am freezing. I seem to have been hit particularly hard by this cold snap, and am cold constantly. I’ve spent the last week sleeping in sweats and long sleeved shirts which is really unpleasant, since the inside of our quilt is flannel and every time I roll over in bed, everything sticks to me. Not ideal.

I’ll leave you with a really dark picture of my bedtime cuddles with Dekker. If he could just always sprawl across me like he does before bed for a minute or two, I swear, I would never be cold 🙂 Warm thoughts.



But really dark. Unfortunately, when Dekker lays across me like that, he’s usually facing the other way, so I didn’t have a chance to put my flash on or anything, I just snapped a picture and that was that. Still glad I have it, even if its not perfect 🙂


But really dark. Unfortunately, when Dekker lays across me like that, he’s usually facing the other way, so I didn’t have a chance to put my flash on or anything, I just snapped a picture and that was that. Still glad I have it, even if its not perfect 🙂