Fun Challenges for the Kids

We’ve been making a point to get outside as much as possible these days, as you know. Its become a really awesome habit, in my opinion, and I feel odd when we don’t get outside. I am easily the most tan I’ve ever been, and I have more energy, too. I’m loving the spring weather more than I usually do! SO thankful! 

I think I’ve mentioned it before, but when we go for long walks, the kids ask for “challenges.” I started it up a while ago and they really like it 🙂 Laela LOVES the challenges, and Dekker and Rowan like to play along. As we walk, I’ll pick a point (the next light post, vehicle, driveway, etc) and I’ll have them reach it in a more creative way. Some examples are: 

Run while kicking yourself in the butt.

Run with straight knees.

Run sideways.

Hop on one foot. 

Bunny hop.



Run with your arms in the air. 


Do giant steps. 

Run, and make a fart sound every time your foot hits the ground. 

Sometimes, when they reach a milestone, I get them to do jumping jacks. It feels a little boot campy but they LOVE it! 

Yesterday, The kids were begging for challenges, and we still needed to get around the pond before we could head back to our street. I decided to give them a new challenge, and explained what endurance is. Its not a race, but rather a slower run that they could maintain, and I asked them to see how far they could get. I said, if they made it so far that they reached the garbage cans aaaaall the way to the other end of the pond, they should stop. 

Dekker and Laela ran the entire stretch without breaking a sweat, side by side, in one minute twelve seconds. I was SO impressed! 

It was a really lovely walk. 

Thank you, Cher, for editing these for me 💜

We are truly loving our outside time these days. Everyone sleeps better. Everyone is tan and happy. Everyone is healthy and strong. Everyone is together. Its pretty wonderful. 

Help me add to my list of challenges for the kids! Whats comparable to jumping jacks that young kids can do? What are more fun ways to reach checkpoints? Help a mom out!