Laps Around the Pond

As I mentioned the other day, Dekker and Laela ran a surprisingly long stretch the other day, about halfway around the pond near our house. So yesterday, I decided to see if I could stretch it even further, and they were excited to try! We entered the path and I told them to run as far as they could. If they reached the garbage cans, they should stop. It would be almost an entire lap. Juuust shy of a lap. 

Aaaaand they did it, in about 3:15!! We were amazed!!!

They waited diligently at the garbage cans, but apparently the rest of us were taking too long and they started running back our direction. They met us and we walked the rest of the lap together. The garbage cans I keep referring to are right where the path splits off and where we’d turn to head home. But it was early enough that we decided to do another pass around the pond before going home. The big kids decided to try and run it. Again. 

And they did. The whole thing, without stopping, in 3:30. They are CRAZY! I am SO impressed in their endurance!!! 

We got home and I ducked upstairs to go to the bathroom. While sitting on the can, I saw a tiny little black bug on my leg and immediately knew it was a tick. I freeeeaked out and dove off the toilet. I successfully peed everywhere. 

And then it was a beetle. 

Because why wouldn’t it be? 

I crunched it and flushed it, and cleaned up the floor 🤦‍♀️ aaaaand that was how our successful evening as a family wrapped up for me. With bugs and pee on the floor that I couldn’t even blame on my children. Cool. Cool cool cool.