Guest Post: I’m an Adult, and Here is Why

It’s Cher. Sick of me yet? Well, this post will hopefully lighten the mood a little if you are. During my fall semester last year I took a course called Women and Gender Studies. The professor had a very thick accent and was very grumpy. The entire lecture which was mandatory consisted of her standing at the front of class, sweating, drinking “water” from a
water bottle (now that I think of it, was it an accent or just slurring) anywho, if we answered a question wrong, she would berate us in front of the whole class. If we asked her a question, she would stare at us like we were stupid and give the most vague answer. So studying for that final was so hard because I learned nothing, the lectures were off topic and no one
understood them. While I studied for that final at the Borns (every waking moment for a week) I became so incredibly exhausted that I no longer knew what I was doing. I would forget entire conversations.

One evening during this absolute difficult and fearful time, Hailey came down to quickly chat with me. Afterwards I headed to the washroom and began to pull down my pants (you know, like, to pee) and as my whole butt became exposed I PANICKED and thought “WHAT AM I DOING!!!!!!! And I pulled my pants up so fast and looked behind me, only to see a door, which was locked. I forgot I was in the washroom to pee and for a moment thought I was pulling my pants down in absolute public. Horror of my life.

A few nights after that, I slept at my moms. It felt SUPER cold that night, I’ll never forget it. I studied until I passed out. I woke up a few times in the night to pull the blanket higher, and higher, and higher. Eventually, the blanket was over my head. I thought “WHY AM I SO COLD?!” Well, I took my arm and swung it around to feel the blanket over my body and all of
a sudden I feel it. The blanket did not reach all the way down my backside, and a fan was pointed absolutely towards that area. I was cold the whole next day.

Later in the year during my Winter term, I was so excited to use my new bluetooth earbuds I bought myself. I wore them all over campus. I was so thrilled to not have to hear people talking directly behind me while I walked from class to class, or hear the boys in the library talk about how good a sushi burger would taste. I was on my way to my sociology class and
needed to pee so bad. I thought “if I’m a couple minutes late, that’s okay”. So happy lil me walks into the bathroom confidently with Selena Gomez pumpin’ in my earbuds, telling me about boys. I sit down, start to go. Then I feel some air. It felt like how a duck’s throat might feel if you were deaf and had your hands around it while it quacked. “Oh no!” was all I thought. I had been so oblivious to people and in my own head that I hadn’t checked to see if anyone was in there. So I did that thing and I bent way over to look for feet. Oh boy! Stalls were full. I had a dilemma. Do I wait until everyone leaves so no one sees the face of the girl who just threw a bomb of terror in the public washroom? Or do I make a bee-line out without washing my hands? Or do I just pretend I don’t care? Long story short, I didn’t make it to
class that day.

Another classic tale that I will never live down and still haunts me to this day. Distracted and school on the brain, I leave my moms house to drive to Haileys. I’m at the first stop sign and k real talk: You know those flakey hard boogers that sorta stab the inside of your nose? We all get them. They HURT and need to be removed. So I’m just sitting there, don’t really see anyone and I decide to go find the little sucker. GOT IT! As I go to quickly pull it out so I can get on with my super important life, I feel a tale. I keep pulling. As I am pulling, someone drives by and it’s Dalmeny so we are all really close in proximity, going the absolute slowest speed we can. This someone is a guy about my age, we lock eyes. My left hand is now 6 or so inches from my face with a string of goop attached to the inside of my nose. The driver looked at me with such a face like “I approve, but also kinda wish I never saw you” and to this day, I don’t pick my nose in my car. Unless it’s night time.

To finish off this post, I messaged Hailey and asked “Is it bad that all my posts are about my bum and boogers?”

And she said “It’s excellent. No issues with that.”

So if you’re wondering why all this is on her blog today, I had approval. I promise.