These Work Days…

Its hard to know what to blog about these days. My mind is so occupied with either grief of our camper, and its hard to think outside of those things. Not to mention the fact that just about every single picture I have taken recently has too much camper in it to show you!! Gah!

Its ok, though. Be reassured we are still well. Keeping on keeping on. The kids are still ridiculously cute.

This man has a birthday right around the corner!

The twins ❤️ They play camping all day every day! And get into the move trouble 😉 All day every day.

He bikes and bikes and bikes! He has a nice long glide, even on the bumpy lot next to our house. He’s getting so much braver!

Meanwhile, this monkey isn’t far behind. And if she can’t keep up, she picks her bike up and carries it with her. A self sufficient woman.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the crazy, but like just about everyone else, I miss normal. I hope it comes back soon…