Happy New Year!

How did everyone spend their last night of 2012?

We started ours with Dekker deciding he’s not a baby anymore. As I’ve mentioned, he is walking like a champ now and I feel like the door of babyhood is closing. But last night, he shot down his milk. We cut down his nighttime bottle significantly when he turned 1. He gets about half a bottle in an effort to eventually cut it out completely. Well, last night he would not have it. He cried and cried when we offered it. We figured we’d be up later to bring in the new year anyway, so we just put him to bed expecting that he would wake up in the night for a drink. He didn’t surface until after 10am.

Either way, baby went down at a relatively normal time and we ran a bath, as usual. We figured we should toast to 2013 so we scoured our home for alcohol and came up with one pineapple Bacardi cooler. Seriously, that is all we had. So we split it and had some brownies with it. We stayed up and watched Glee until we got good and tired, then went to bed. I know, we are officially lame and old. However, we did stay up! That should count for something.

We woke up nice and late this morning and did virtually nothing. I wanted to crochet but felt like I deserved one day of crocheting for pleasure before I get on orders again. So I crocheted two toques for Dekker, neither of which fit. Sigh. I also learned some ukulele chords so I can get by on a song or two. If I become famous, call me Ukulele Hailey.

I can currently hear Brady singing to Dekker about having toast bits stuck to his arms. Seems like I should head over there. But first, a picture I forgot to add to yesterdays post. Beautiful Dekker at Tim Hortons on the drive home.

photo (15)I love this boy.


Isn’t it funny how kids know what they want without being able to tell you?? He sure does know, what a boy! thats cool!
We went to some friends for a little bit (on new year’s eve), and then drove to Red Deer, and stayed at the Hampton Inn. Sat in the hot tub first and then watched the New Years celebrations. Nice quiet time for us!! Slept in and didn’t leave Red Deer till noon, got home at about 8pm.
Happy New Year! 🙂