Vaguest Resolution Ever

I laugh at New Years resolutions, honestly. Maybe I just don’t exercise my self discipline well enough, but promising to do “x” for a year sort of freaks me out. I feel like, as soon as I say it out loud, I’m going to fail. Just general self doubt I guess, I’m sure I’m not the only person who feels this way. Right? Right?!

Last year was the first time I made a resolution. It was sooo vague and I made it to myself so no one had to know when I failed. I’ve said these words many times throughout my posts but I’ll say them again. I resolved to be a good steward of what I’d been given. I decided it was time for me to step up and do better in my life. I have a husband who would likely physically carry me from place to place if he could. He loves to take care of his family and dote on us. He cooks way more often than I do, he cleans more than I do, he does laundry, and the list goes on. It was time for me to help. So without any strict guidelines, I tried. I experimented in the kitchen and came out with a couple AMAZING meals. I learned how to make jam. I baked. I helped build a deck, and put on a party for Dekker this summer. I started a blog that I committed to post on every day, and I have! I’ve tried harder than ever to maintain a positive attitude. I didn’t ace everything I did, but I made a considerable effort. I can honestly say that, coming out of 2012, I feel like I succeeded in my goal.

I’ve been pondering for a while now how to amp up he resolution this year. I want to continue doing what I started, but I’m not sure how. I considered things like trying a new meal every week, but that horrifies me! And as soon as I miss a week, I’ll feel like an utter failure, and thats a hard thing to pull myself out from. But once a month seems lame and tiny. I thought about meal planning, as that idea has always been attractive to me, but it seems like kind of a huge undertaking, and I’m scared that I wouldn’t make it. Another thing that has been on my heart is my crocheting. I’d love to make something of it, and while I don’t have a business and don’t necessarily know if I want one officially, I’m not sure how to further my work. My idea has been to crochet my year away and then have a huge lot to sell off when those crafty Christmas trade shows come around. But how many things do I make per month? Or how do I set up that idea without it falling and biting me in the butt, leaving me with tons of toques and scarves with no one to love them? (Dramatic, I know. I’m half kidding.) I’m finding setting any goal or resolution somewhat daunting, but I don’t want to go as vague as I did last year. It worked, but I want to improve and expand! Thoughts?

Another thought on the new year – I’s considering changing the picture on the header of my blog. Thoughts? Opinions? Just might be time for a change…

mama jeanne

hmmmmmmmmmm…whatever you use as your picture will be wonderful, I know it. Another thing I know that when you guys pray and wait God shows you the way. I bet He’ll show the new years resolution that just right and perfect for you….one that you can handle. Congrats on your great accomplishments of 2012. You did great girl. May you continue to find joy in your husband and babykins and your home. You are a blessing sweetheart. You keep your heart open to Christ and He will continue to use you to be the blessing you are in many different ways. I love you so much and I’m so proud of you.


I agree with Mom; God will certainly show you. My opinion, however, for what it’s worth, is that you should go with the build-up-the-inventory idea. It is amazing the cool stuff you can make in a really short time. It will sell!