Health and Capability

Isn’t it funny how a decent sleep and a boost in health can change a persons perspective? When I get overtired, or when I’ve been sick for an extended period of time, my anxiety jumps. So naturally, the last little while has been interesting. The last few days, I’ve had these crazy zapping, squeezing headaches. I had a chiro treatment, and the day after was awful. And then the next day was remarkably better! Granted, my mom stayed for the morning and did my dishes, played with my kids, and fed them lunch so I could lay still with a hot pad on my neck. The break was amazing, and I’m positive it played a role in how I’m feeling today. Because I feel SO much better! Going to bed at 9:30 didn’t hurt either.

Yes, my nose is still plugged up a bit, but my head is no longer trying to kill me! Its amazing how much better I feel! What a relief! I was able to put my hair in a ponytail even, which believe it or not, is a big accomplishment. I can wear my glasses without them pinching my head. I can do dishes without my head pounding every time I bend down. I could even turn some lights on today! These all seem like pretty dumb details, but they haven’t ben common occurrences over the last little while.

Out of nowhere today, I have some of my gusto back. I’m finally feeling somewhat enthusiastic, rather than plodding along through the days. I’m excited for this next year! I want to take on a bunch more responsibility with Brady’s business. Lets be real. I want a cute rose gold iPad. 😉 I want to get Solly eating solids again (he’s completely quit since we all got sick, as he was drinking way less milk and was getting a bit “backed up”) and I want to get Laela peeing on the potty! I’m already dreaming of things to do this summer! And we need to get on finishing our basement. Soon! Lots to do in the coming months, and today, I feel ready for it. I feel capable. I don’t expect to finish any of this right away, or even start all of it right away, but there is never a shortage of things to do, and I finally feel healthy enough to consider doing some of it!

I don’t promise that this feeling will stick around forever, or even for long. I fear that another bout of sickness coming through here anytime soon would be a HUGE discouragement to me. But I don’t want to plan for the negative. So we’re going to plan and be excited and motivated and hope for the best! Hopefully Downer Hailey doesn’t show her face around these here parts for quite a while now 😉 She’s sure doing her best!

mama jeanne

My darling Hailey…… you have tried so hard through all this sickness and have been so courageous and brave. I’m so proud of you! I hope that you and your family get ALL better soon. May the days ahead be healthy and bright! I love you!


Thank you, and I love you too! Its been an incredibly trying time, and it feels good to be possibly coming out of some of the crazy finally. We’ve talked 😉 you get it. Seriously, though, I appreciated your help yesterday SO much!