Home Stretch

Our deck is SO CLOSE to being done! We hauled all of the kids out there this morning and intended to get a bunch of work done on it. We hung a little swing up for Solly, even, so everyone would be happy and entertained. As life tends to happen, though, the weather was just a tad windy and Solly was cold and unhappy very quickly. I didn’t even screw in a single screw before I had to pack it in and take him inside. It was disappointing for me, but the other kids were having fun running around and playing still.

Right around the time I was getting lunch ready for the kids, my dad offered to come by and lend a hand. He and Brady worked hard for a few hours and got all of the decking on! So technically, the deck can be used by adults, but we need those railings on as soon as possible so the kids can also enjoy the new deck. We have them in our garage, so hopefully installing them isn’t too far away. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe Monday. Maybe not. Who knows. But its so nice to finally have all of the deck boards in place. I’m so glad we’ve made it this far. Home stretch!

We wrapped up our day by spending it with a friend from high school who is back for the summer. We ate a super simple but yummy supper, and the kids ate SO much! Solly ate more than we had ever seen him eat! It was a good food day, and then a nice relaxed evening with our guest. Nothing like sipping a coffee and talking in detail about the last ten-ish years of everyone’s lives! So much has changed since high school, haha! It was really really nice.

I have a chill I can’t seem to shake, of all things, on this beautiful day, so I’m off to hit up a soak and watch some Netflix. I hope you’re all enjoying your long weekend!