Morning Successes

Solly’s been sleep training for a while now, and its taken longer than we had originally expected. However, its only improving, and we’re very thankful for that. He usually wakes up sometime between 5:00-6:00, and instead of being up for the day, we give him a bottle and he actually goes back to sleep! That basically serves as his morning nap, which is awesome because then his afternoon nap falls beautifully in line with Rowans. This morning, though, he slept until 7:00, which felt so refreshing for Brady and I! Sure, we’d love to sleep in past 7:00, but its just so much better than 5:00! He drank his bottle, was super smiley and soft and adorable, and went back down to sleep. It was so nice. It felt like a nice morning.

When we went to get the big kids up, we were THRILLED to see Laela’s success! She had relinquished her pull up last night and agreed to wear underwear to bed instead, and she had stayed dry all night!! The backstory here isn’t too riveting. Laela pretty much potty trained herself recently. She wanted to go to bed in underwear right away, but peed in her bed the first time. It wasn’t a big issue for me, but she was quite distraught about it when it happened. She would still be able to identify which pair of underwear she was wearing that night. It really upset her that she had an accident, and she asked for a diaper at night instead. Since we really hadn’t intended to potty train her at that time, and she was doing such a great job on her own, we followed her lead and put her in the pull ups that Dekker had leftover from his potty training days. But in the last week, she stayed dry 6/7 nights. So she decided she’d give underwear a try overnight again, and she did it!! She totally succeeded, and was SO proud of herself! We all knew she could do it, she is SO in control of her body, but she just needed to take the risk. I’m so pleased it paid off 🙂 She is 100% DONE with diapers! Go Laela go!

It was such an encouraging morning, for which I am thankful. We went out for lunch with my dad in the afternoon, and had a quiet afternoon. I’m feeling a bit off my game, though, so I’m currently hiding up in our room while Brady plays guitar and hangs with the kids in the living room. It feels like a good way to start wrapping up the day.

Maybe tomorrow we’ll spit out the rest of the deck!! Wish us luck! What are you guys up to on the last day of the long weekend?