Home with Friends

I opted out of laundry and grocery shopping today to hang out with Kim and her boys. They came out in the late morning bearing lunch and a beautiful personalized birthday gift for me. It was really the ideal gathering. We had some tv on the in background, and the kids played pretty well while we drank coffee and snuggled the babies.

Everyone ate lunch and we watched a movie before they headed on home for supper. Neither of us had made any plans for supper for our families, haha, whoops!!

After they left, my kids began (or continued) their throwdown, and cried practically until Brady came home. Not our best evening. Brady has been lovely and has given me a bit of time off, so I’m able to blog right now, listening to YouTube in the background. Thank you, hubs. LOVE YOU.

Our evening plans changed, and we’re staying in after all. We’re hoping to still rock a bit of a date, though we’re not sure of the details yet. We’re eating once the kids go to bed (definitely earlier than usual!) and who knows. Maybe a movie night downstairs? Maybe drinky drinks on the deck? I haven’t decided yet, but hopefully just a little bit of something even slightly out of the ordinary. Or, truth be told, it might be really really nice to do our normal evening routine, restfully, and just make more of an effort to hold hands and be close.

Sure sounds like a lovely day to me <3 Tomorrow will have to be somewhat back to normal in the day. Laundry laundry laundry!!!