Sigh. The Lint Trap.

Does anyone else consistently forget to empty the lint trap in their dryer?? I think I heard that the HE ones don’t have a lint trap, so if thats true (and even if it isn’t) that will likely be the way we’ll go with our next set of machines. Because I ALWAYS forget to empty that stupid thing!

Today was laundry day. I used to despise laundry, and now I truly enjoy it. Its low key, it really does its own thing, and I’m just there is hang it up at the end. I had a decent amount of laundry to do today. After two consecutive holidays, it had really built up. I always say that, after a holiday, I basically dump out the suitcases and just wash everything. After our lake holiday, however, I had one evening to do laundry before leaving in the morning, so I saved the things that were still folded up relatively nicely at the bottom, and just washed what absolutely had to be washed. But now, after our Winnipeg trip, I have all of our dirty laundry, the folded stuff thats been folded for way too long, the towels from the lake, other laundry that I didn’t do before Waskesiu, and an unreasonable amount of blankets that travel with us for kids bedding. Oh, and all of the towels that we switched out for the prettier ones for the new listing pictures. SO MUCH!!

Why I am peeved about this whole lint trap thing is that I lost HOURS to my first stupid load of laundry. I was trying to chuck all the kids stuff in at once, which was obviously not the smartest idea. After chucking in over half of it, I realized it was definitely two loads worth, and I just quit and ran the washer. I switched it to the dryer and threw in the rest of the kids stuff, which was just a few pieces of clothing and about thirteen receiving blankets. I know, its a ton. Dekker sleeps with one (kind of in lieu of of a teddy bear?), Laela still sleeps with one, and Rowan obviously still uses them. But we wipe up barf with them, we hang them on playpens so babies can’t see out as easily, we lay kids on top of them, etc etc etc. Then, the kids and I played while I listened for the dryer to buzz. It took forever, but as soon as it buzzed, I rushed over. I felt like it had gone forever, and I had a lot of loads to do. Aaand everything was still soaked. I ran it again. It ran for probably a half hour, and was STILL WET! I started it again and texted Brady that I was so angry at our crappy dryer. He responded with a gentle “Maybe the lint trap is full?” I cleaned it, and a very short cycle later, everything was dry.

So. That happened. Turns out that, if you remember, that thing fills up every load or two! But I stayed on top of it and finished every single load today!!! Brady is currently folding the last dryer load, and the last load from the washer is hanging. Did I mention there was a load of delicates in there? There was. But its all done now, and I will FINALLY let down a bit. Tomorrow will be another big day of actually putting everything away from our trips, reorganizing a few things about the house, getting certain parts of it back to showing readiness (no, no showings booked, just trying to stay on top of it) and maybe even making up the guest room a little early for our company next week!!!!!

But first, a bath, and sleep. Its always good to sleep in between days, I hear.