Today is sooo hot! I know, I’m not the only one in this boat, but its 31 inside our house. I think I may melt. Yet our water heater is acting up and switched it self off and agin, and I’m totally ticked about not having any hot water!! Irony.

After our late night, I woke up this morning at 10:30 feeling surprisingly good! I had a good numer of texts on my phone which, instead of making me feel overwhelmed, makes me feel important. I lay in bed texting friends for a little while, and made plans with my Jerilee for the afternoon. I got up nice and slowly and stayed in comfy clothes, but did a few dishes and generally putsed around. No sound from Dekker. Can’t blame him. I did, however, decide that the second I hear him stir I would go get him, just to try and get him back on schedule after going to bed past midnight! Jerilee came shortly after noon and sat with me while I had my “breakfast.” We were both sweltering so I decided it was late enough in the day that once I was done eating, I was just going to get Dekker up either way so he could eat and we could all go downstairs where it was cooler. I headed towards his room quietly and opened the door, only to be greeted by my little boy, standing up in his crib, waiting patiently. Seriously, I was waiting for any sound from him and got nothing! He must have just been listening to us talk in the dining room! Funny man.

To be honest, I hustled Dekker through his breakfast and we rushed downstairs as fast as possible. My pantsless wonder soon became just a diaper man. He was still sweating like a mad man but didn’t seem bothered by it at all! He played hard and was so comfortable with Jerilee that she was involved in all of the sharing and playing. He doesn’t warm up to just any very fast, and I’m really happy he likes her so much.

He eventually went down for a sleep and Jerilee had to go home for the evening, so I lay in front of a fan and watched YouTube videos for a while. Really too hot to accomplish much else. Plus I had done some dishes in the morning so I wasn’t a complete slacker. Just a halfway slacker. But it was really nice to just lay around and not pay attention to the videos I was “watching” while I played spider solitaire and minesweeper simultaneously. Good times.

Bradys now home, and he came with Subway. Therefore, supper was delicious. We played downstairs with Diaper Boy for a couple of hours and then put him to bed in only a tshirt. He usually still wears a sleeper, or jammie pants and a muscle shirt, but not today. Today every bit of me just wanted to leave him in his diaper, but we opted for just a tshirt so hopefully that was a good decision. He’ll sweat either way.

As will I. And Brady. And the rest of Saskatchewan. Good night all!