How Did it Go?

Thank you, all, for reaching out to me in your different ways to encourage me about today’s appointment with my new student doctor. The appointment probably couldn’t have gone smoother! Praise the Lord!

A few things went really really well in my favour!

Thing number one: Dr. Guselle tag teamed with my new doctor, just this first time, to make sure I was comfortable and that he knew all the appropriate history. They had clearly discussed my “case” beforehand so nothing was too shocking. He knew of my losses and I didn’t have to rehash them. He had just a few standard questions, and he and Dr. Guselle together answered my questions.

Thing number two: My ultrasound had gone smoothly for the most part, but there was a small section of the spine that wasn’t completely visible, and it was recommended I have another scan in 2-3 weeks. I confessed my nerves about going from weekly appointments to monthly, and Dr. Guselle spoke up right away and said she wouldn’t put me in that position, and encouraged me to book that scan, and to just speak up along the way for what I need. I’m SO relieved that she said these things around my new doctor, just so he knows where we stand and what kind of leeway I’ve been graciously given. YAY for that!

Thing number three: There was just so much laughing through our appointment today, which left me feeling completely at ease. Dr. Guselle laughed so hard at once point, she ran out of air and came up gasping. It was SO funny, and SO comfortable! The two of them would try to locate some information but he didn’t quite know how the system worked, and she did, but it was too small for her to see! They were a super funny pair 🙂 I liked it a lot.

Thing number four: Both doctors measured my uterus and came out with the same numbers, which feels like a good sign. When the time came to listen for Bambina’s heartbeat, he seemed a little tentative, as one would expect with him being a first year. I pointed to the spot where she usually hangs out, and sure enough, she was RIGHT where he placed the doppler! Heart rate was at 156 bpm, nice and quick. Dr. Guselle scoffed at how hard she’s had to hunt of the baby in the past, and how uncooperative she often is, lol! I guess she’s just being generous to the new guy.

Thing number five: As a group of three, we discussed labour and delivery! Just the readers digest version, but just the fact that I am induced a week early, why that is, and he literally said “I’ll just come early and bring a book. I’ll be there!” I LOVE that!!! He is on board, and seems happy to be part of my care. Last time around, while I really loved our student doctor, I remember asking her if we could finally discuss some labour and delivery details at 36 weeks, and she gave me the speech about “usually we let women go 7-10 days over…” and I remember feeling so discouraged that we were this far in and she didn’t know my history and why we do it like we do. I already feel more comfortable.

I say again, praise the Lord!

Dr. Guselle was so happy to hear that I’ve been feeling movement, and that we can all breathe a little easier. I feel comfortable with our plan to see each other in a month or so, with one scan in the middle. Its a good plan, and its only going to get a bit easier as time moves on, baby’s kicks get bigger, and we get further along, closer to the point where even premature delivery feels safe-ish.

It was a good appointment 🙂 I’m content, and relieved. Thank you for praying, those who did. I’m positive I wouldn’t even be standing if not for the amazing amount of prayers and support I’ve been on the receiving end of! I am so fortunate, and so grateful. Its almost unbelievable just how loved this little girl already is!!