Making the Best of a Saturday without the Hubs

I’m not sure how much I’ve talked about it on here, but Brady’s had a pretty interesting slump in work for the last several months. While, in a lot of ways, it was timed out perfectly, and he’s been home when I’ve REALLY needed him, the reality is that income was getting pretty iffy. Its been hard to have him back at work recently, but we are both THRILLED and RELIEVED that his schedule is full to bursting, and work is heavily upon him! Its truly amazing that we aren’t further behind than we are!

However, we are now in a position where we can’t really turn much (if any) away. We need it ALL. And that means Brady is working Saturdays :/ Not necessarily every Saturday for the foreseeable future, but he’s working the next few. I miss him. We all do. Saturday feels strange without him. But today, I’m putting in a stronger effort to make the best of the day! And things are getting done!

With my pelvic pain, my mobility is pretty limited, but save for a few situations that have left me breathless and folded over in pain, the last week or two has been pretty seamless! So today, I challenged myself to get a few things done, and its feeling really good!!

I caught up on dishes, as in the hand washing stuff, too! Usually the stuff that can’t go through the dishwasher sits on the counter for a looong time, but I took care of it today. Counters are as clear as possible. Even the majority of the island is cleaned off! My planner and water bottle live on the island, but I’m not sure what to do with Dekker and Laela’s bags of valentines and treats yet. So they also live on the island.

I did a quick wipe down of the bathroom because it smelled SO BAD! How do they dooo that?!

I threw absolutely everything into the laundry and sorted it out. I’m on the third load, currently. By “everything,” I mean the things that are usually worn more than once, and are folded up and put back for another day. Its hard to keep track of how often those things actually get washed, unless they come home stained or covered in something. So, ALL jeans and hoodies went into the laundry! We’ll see how far I get into laundry today, but I washed the small load of delicates that tends to get left about as long as the hand-washed dishes. I may not get all the way through it, as I have two big hampers full of bedding that I’d love to pretend I don’t see, but it’ll depend on how fast time goes and when Brady gets home.

I thought about baking, but lost that gumption when the kids made themselves very comfortable (wait for it) making cards for each other at the island. My gosh, they’re sweet! So I wasn’t about to kick them all off of the island so I could bake, and I didn’t want to mess up their cards, and I REALLY didn’t want both messes mixed together and then the cards abandoned and the struggle of clean up and all those good things. So, baking can wait for another day.

I made yummy real iced tea! I so rarely do that, but I am just desperate for a pick me up these days, and my tummy doesn’t necessarily love coffee these days :/ So I tried my hand at iced tea. As long as I don’t set foot outside and freeze my bones, an iced drink should do the trick!

I made a few small lists of what else could be done, but nothing too scary or ominous. I love lists, but I hate how often they just sit and grow and never ever get completed.

Another load of laundry should be ready for folding any minute now, and I have an en suite that is crying to be tidied, so I’ll probably head upstairs and get a few things done soon here. Dekker is happily playing Lego, and the other three are quiet in their rooms, either sleeping or believably faking sleep. I’m good either way. Putting them down was so peaceful today, with lots of snuggles and jokes. This is NOT always the case, and its so refreshing when it works out!

I’m truly enjoying how today is playing out. Hopefully my body agrees and doesn’t scream at me later!