I Guess I’m Gonna be a Model?!

This morning and afternoon were very relaxed. Minus the diaper changes, which Dekker is finding difficult due to a persistent diaper rash, it was pretty uneventful. Eat, play, sleep, poop, eat, sleep, play, poop, etc. For Dekker, I mean!

We met Brady in Dalmeny for supper with my parents. We probably won’t see each other much this week, and missed them on Sunday, which is our usual day that we spend more time together, so it was good to sit and chat around the table the way us mennonites do. Bonding over food.

I had an appointment in the evening and my parents offered for us to leave Dekker with them so Brady and I could go into the city, just the two of us. We took them up on it, and headed out at about 6:30-ish.

I went to a model call. I know, I throw up in my mouth a little bit when I say it too. I am in no way, nor do I claim to be, a model. Its for a hair show coming in November. Apparently a lot of very important people are coming, most of them from the states, to cut and color hair, or to observe it happening.

I had a really weird feeling going into the meeting. I didn’t really know what they were looking for – a model, or hair to cut. Again, really feeling weird about being a “model.” I expressed to the man we met that I don’t claim to be refined or coordinated, but he seemed to think I would be the perfect person to have at the show. It appears that its hard to find people who have no dye in their hair. I currently have none, its all natural. He said I’d be one of maybe five people in that boat out of the 150 models they’re hoping to find. I filled out some information and got some more from him. I guess the “show” is actually pretty much a weekend event. I will meet the “manufacturer” on the Friday, come in for some kind of prep on Saturday (I’m assuming the coloring maybe happens then?), and then the show on Sunday, where I’ll get my hair cut and styled on a stage in front of a large group of people. Kind of nerve wracking, but I’m excited!

I was worried that this meeting would be awkward, and that I’d be looked up and down and reminded that I’m not model material. Even though I have no desire to walk a runway, judgement is always scary, and rejection stings. Lucky for me, there was no one choosing players for their team. I didn’t have to be picked last! It felt good to be wanted. Even though I’ll be one face in over a hundred others, it’ll be fun for me.

Getting a cut and color for free doesn’t hurt either πŸ˜‰


Are they looking for anymore? LOL Seriously thought that’s awesome Hailey A cut and colour always feel great. I’m looking forward to seeing what they do to your hair! Do you know when it is?

mama jeanne

Hailey you are scrumptiously delicious inside and out πŸ™‚ That may sounds weird but you know what I mean. You are lovingly and beautifully created by God……I got the pleasure of being the mommy oven :-)β™₯


That is just so awesome……..I have said at least three times in 2012 (to yo Momma) that you just keep getting more attractive as you mature! You better believe you are model material! Go Hailey Bean!