If I Ever SUCKED at Crocheting…

Yesterday, I sucked at crocheting. I’ve crocheted for over ten years, but yesterday, I sucked.

I’m making slippers again, ok? And I haven’t made many so they’re still relatively new to me. But I’m using a really straightforward pattern so it should be no big deal. But it was!

I’m making two pairs of double-sole slippers, so I need eight soles. I started working on the first one, and it came out super crooked. So I pulled it out, figuring I missed a stitch somewhere, and redid it. Again, it was crooked. I reread the stinking pattern over and over, searching for my error. Nothing. I fought with them all evening. When a hook broke, I gave up.But then I couldn’t sleep!! I got back up after laying in bed for a good while and went downstairs with Brady to fuss over the soles again. We walked through the pattern again, step by step, and the stinking thing turned out CROOKED!!! So we played MarioKart instead. And I did good, for the first time ever!

I had a solid sleep and woke up with crocheting slippers on my mind, with Bieber in my head for some reason. Seriously, three days in a row now!

This morning, I sat down to crochet those bloody slipper soles, and they all came out perfect, no fuss no muss. I have NO idea what happened last night, but clearly, MarioKart was more important.