Bye, Hubs!

Bradys has spent the last week at home. It has been so nice to have him around, but today, he is officially back to work. Might even work Saturday. Booooo!

However, I’m looking forward to some solid one on one time with Dekker. He is getting so good at standing and is very eager to walk. We put an ottoman in the middle of his play area downstairs, and we put it just out of reach of the couch, just far enough away that it annoys him to have to get down and crawl over. But considering that Dekker is who he is, he only lasts about an hour into playtime before he’s exhausted and needs a nap.

He has been napping for about an hour so far. I love my downtime! I’m debating whether to start crocheting more slippers (can’t seem to quench my weird thirst for crocheting) or to work on Christmas cards. We had photo Christmas cards last year. They were completely awesome. I loved them! We handed them all out to the people we saw…and never sent out the rest 🙁 Shame on me, I know. Just didn’t get there. I want to do better this year! So I convinced Brady I would definitely mail them out this year, and now have the go-ahead to put some together. That probably takes priority over crocheting.

Then it’s decided. Grey slippers with yellow soles will take a backseat to Christmas. For the moment.