I’m Basically Santa

Its a day of delivering gifts all over the place! Woot! The whole family piled into the van and drove around town, leaving all kinds of things on doorsteps and in mailboxes. Some stuff from a fundraiser, more Christmas cards, and gifts from the homemade gift exchange! While I wish I could have been more personal, I tried to follow the guidelines by basically dropping the gift, knocking, and running. I did get to chat a little bit with a couple of people, and a really nice chat with a friend who I rarely see. In my travels, I was gifted a beautiful gift, and came home to more on my doorstep 🥰 I am SO fortunate! What a lovely way to spend the morning!

Realistically, none of the gifts I dropped off were from me, haha, but Santa doesn’t make the toys either, am I right??

If I’m not Santa, can I at least be one of these BOMB gnomes?!?!?

I both cannot wait to use these little coasters, as well as never ever want coffee to touch them ever. I’m pretty torn, haha! But my goodness, aren’t these the cutest things you’ve ever seen?!?! SOOOOO right up my alley!!

I had the pleasure of opening up my early gift! Now to let the kids open theirs! 💜 Thank you, beautiful people who love our family so well!

Merry Christmas holidays, friends!!