Never Not Humbling

If you read yesterdays post, you know I delivered a bunch of things around town and nearby, and came home with gifts as well! They were unexpected, and that always makes me feel so honoured to have the friends I have.

I opened the gift I knew was for me, and I snuck the card out of the other bags, confirming that it was for everyone. Once naptime was over, everyone hacked into the gift! It was for all of the kids, from a teacher who has really put into our children in the last year in an extra special way. The card carried a really warm, loving message, and there was a little extra gift tucked in the bag for Laela, because they have a bit of an extra special special relationship.

Laela received some clicky pencil crayons, a metallic marker, and a diary that LOCKED! She was SO stoked about that diary!!

The bags supplied gift after gift after gift, as though they were just producing them on the spot! It seemed endless!

This kind of thing will absolutely never NOT be humbling. I felt like crying. It was SO unexpected, and SO appreciated. My heart just aches in these situations, because I LOVE my kids, and I LOVE that they have good friends and we have good consistent people in their lives. But I LOVE when people who don’t have to put into my family choose to! That will always bring me close to tears. As their mother, its a huge honour to see our children be so well loved by choice, and no other obligation. Not only are gifts fun and exciting and special, but its not about that. I guarantee you that the kids feel valued in an extra special way.

So. You know who you are. Though I’m confident you don’t read the blog. But if you ever do, please know what a gigantic blessing this was to our family! My heart is truly touched, and I am humbled by your obvious love for our children.