Its a BEAUTIFUL day! Don’t let it get away.

Today was beautiful! As my dad and my husband both had today off, we had plans to meet in Dalmeny for breakfast and then go play in the city a little bit, just for fun. Dekker, however, slept until we finally woke him around 11:15am! So we fed him, watched a few songs on youtube while Brady packed the car… and went to Dalmeny for lunch instead. From there, Dekker and my dad both needed a nap so we played some Skip-Bo to pass the time. After about 1.5 hours we decided we were letting the day get away so we woke the boys headed out to Pure Frozen Yogurt. My parents had never been, and luckily it was pretty empty so they got to peruse everything before they starting creating their fro-yo masterpieces! For those who don’t know what Pure is, its a “frozen yogurt bar.” So there are 8 kinds of yogurt that can be chosen separately or swirled with each other. Next in line is a large variety of sliced up fruit, everything from chunked mango to raspberries to strange “juice poppers” that kind of just dissolve. From there are the crunchy, sweet toppings like crushed up chocolate bars, cereal, whatever your heart desires. Top off your creation with chocolate, caramel, honey, strawberry sauce, maple syrup, or multicolored sugar, and you’re done! The treat is measured by weight, you pay, don’t forget to get your card stamped!, and you’re good to go! But watch out you don’t get carried away because they always come out to cost more than you expect. Quote of the day, you ask? “These get really big really fast!” That’s what she said.

We had plans to take our yogurts and walk by the river but it was so hot outside and we knew they would all be melted during the short car ride. So we pulled a few blankets out of the car and settled in the only shady area that was nearby; between two signs right by the road. Surprisingly, it wasn’t that loud or hot, and the breeze kept the mosquitos away for the most part. It was wonderful and yielded some awesome pictures. Mr. Dekker got a few mosquito bites on his head but didn’t let it get in the way of his playtime out in the fresh air.

Sometimes its good to lay out a blanket and just stop to smell the yogurt.

mama jeanne

You and Dekker look like twinzies in your plaid shorts watching TV….so sweet. It was a GOOD day being together! Let’s do it again sometime 🙂