Just, Oy

Its been one of those days around here, and it’s still the early afternoon! It definitely feels like a day that we either NEED to get out and do something just to change our scenery, or we need to stay in with the curtains closed and just wait for it to be over. Since we were out and about yesterday, I think we’ll need to just hide. I’m SO thankful for my 100% supportive husband who is working hard to keep a positive attitude while the kids and I are crusty.

I should say, though, that I felt pretty fabulous upon waking up. Never before has my bed headed, first thing in the morning hair looked so fun! Haha! Its nice to magically feel put together straight out of the gate! So thats a small bonus, haha! Plus Brady gave me a break to go do my makeup free of children and scrapping, which was SUCH a gift.

And I’m going out tonight! I never really go to parties that people throw to promote certain brands and such, but I was invited to one where I know I actually want a couple of things from, so I guess I’m going! It’ll be good to go be social after everyone is in bed.

This is such a bad, weird post. I’m sorry, guys. Its just not our day around here. Yesterday was awesome, though, so its all balancing out 😉 They can’t ALL be perfect days, right?