Kindergarten Assembly

While today wasn’t technically a school day for Dekker, it was the day that the kindergarteners had their assembly. It was open to parents and whoever else opted to come watch, so Brady decided to go to work late in order to come. This way, we could also bring all the kids along a bit easier. My dad also joined us, but my mom is away visiting family. It was nice to be surrounded by other parents, and see other members of their family. I was happy to bring mine along too, and to show them off. Solly was quite enamoured with the woman sitting next to us, but not quite as enamoured as she was with him! It was a cute little bond they formed in the half hour ish that they knew each other.

The kids did a great job. Dekker didn’t do much for actions at all, but he said the poems and sang the song. He was the most amped about a video they put together. He only spilled the beans on that one yesterday. In the video, each kid in the kindergarten grade said what they thought it meant to be a good friend. Dekker was the last one in the video, and closed it off with something along the lines of “Being a good friend means sharing your toys,” which is true 🙂 They all looked super cute and did a great job. I’d post pictures but we were asked not to, which makes sense. Not everyone wants their kids faces on the internet, no judgement from me!

Leaving the school was a bit confusing, in part because there were just so many people, but also because all of the kindergarten students filed back into their classroom and just started playing and settling in. Dekker seemed pretty convinced that he was staying, but was super happy when I told him he could come home and play with us for the day. It’s a shame that Brady couldn’t stay home today, but its not something we were expecting, so it wasn’t too shocking when he hustled into the house and got his work clothes on. Off he went!

Since I had the pleasure of waking everyone up from a dead sleep this morning, the two little boys have been napping since around 11:30am. They were both trashed and bawling and ready. The big ones are playing in the basement and we’ll soon have lunch and watch some Netflix. They will, anyway. I’m anxiously waiting for the pile digging guy to come!! Digging today, and pouring tomorrow. I’m SO excited for that to go down! Literally.

I am tired, once again, from an earlier than necessary wake up (thanks for that, Solly) that I couldn’t fall back to sleep after. But I feel good about today. And the rest of the week. Positivity, folks! Keep trying!

Good job at your assembly, Dekker!! I’m SO proud of you being so brave up in front of so many people!