Lake Trip 2018: Day 6

Last night with Waverly was definitely better than the one before, and though we were still quite tired in the morning, it was a tad easier to get up and get the day going. I continued my newfound tradition of bringing the kids to the bakery in the morning, this time taking the three oldest with me, and Brady keeping Solomon and Wavy. Trust me, I offered for him to take a turn going with the kids, but he was happy to get some little milky snuggles in with the little girly and chat with Solly one on one for a bit.

Breakfast was delicious, as always. The kids love getting to choose from the bakery for themselves, and they ALL got cherry danishes, while Solly rocked a cinnamon bun, and Brady and I had cream cheese pockets like we have been all week.

We got off to a slower start, and with the short bit of the morning that we had left, Brady took the kids into the courtyard to blow bubbles.

I brought Wavy out, too, but we didn’t last long in the blasting heat. We hung out in the living room instead and enjoyed the fan and some good music. Our summer jams are currently The album “Sing it all Away” my Walk off the Earth. A lot of gooders in there. We also are liking “Better when I’m Dancing” and “Can’t Stop the Feeling,” which we all lovingly refer to as Wavy’s song, among a handful of others.

Delicious snacks for lunch happened yet again (I could get used to this!) and then naaaaaps!

While the kids were down, my mom showed up! She’s now in the unit next to ours, and will be hanging out with us for the duration of our visit. Woot!!

In true mom form, she insisted on bringing all the meals for everyone, so supper was at her place today in the form of spaghetti and meat sauce, and honey carrots. The kids ate lots happily. The food was delicious, but the kids were also eager to get outside for a bit in the evening.

We took grandma to the beach where the kids throw rocks, collect treasures, and splash around a bit. It was SO nice. SO bright and SO hot.

Wavy was getting pretty sweaty and while the kids were doing decently well, we wanted to try for that sweet spot and get them home and to bed before it all went downhill. And we hit it! Or at least pretty close! Kids are tucked in now, most of them happy, and I was even able to clean up a good gash on Laela that was loaded to the gills with sand. She was freaked but she handled it!

Was a lovely end to day six! How is it already day six?!?!