Lake Trip 2018: Day 7

We kicked off today at my moms condo, which is just next door to ours. She made use a HUGE breakfast of sausage, hashbrown casserole, waffles, and fruit. It. Was. Amazing. We ate until everyone was solidly full for the morning, and headed off to the beach to take advantage of the promise of a bright sunny day!

The weather man delivered! It was beautiful on the beach! We swam, tanned, snuggled the baby, built sand castles, dug holes and then simultaneously filled them with water. We don’t have as many pictures from this one because we were just too busy playing.

We planned to eat snacks on the beach to prolong the morning out, but we decided to quit while we were ahead and brought everyone back to our unit for a nice snacky lunch. We needed to get those little sweeties out of the sun.

Lunch was delicious, and Brady, mom, and I spent the nap time hours visiting in our sitting area in the dark. We closed everything up and blasted all the fans in an effort to keep it cool. The only light was a lamp that we set up on the table so Dekker could color. (Just wait until I show you guys the booklet he’s making about our trip. ALL his idea! He’s SO cute!) We chatted about the year to come and some goals we have. It always feels good to run ideas and dreams by people you trust at a time when you’re feeling vulnerable.

When the kids finally started to lull, we decided on our supper plan, which was that we wanted to go out for supper once with my mom. So we hit the nearby restaurant again!! However, it seems we didn’t quite get Solly out of the sun early enough, because he was wildly off his game, didn’t want to eat, etc. Pretty clear he had at least some heat stroke. But we powered through it, and once we got some supper into him, he perked up a bit.

Ice cream for dessert!

The sugar picked the kids up significantly, so Brady ran back to our place for the stroller, and we headed back out to the side beach to throw rocks and find some treasures. I could do that every single day, and thank goodness, the rest of my family loves it too. I swear, I haven’t changed a shred since I was five.

Getting everyone home and to bed was less dramatic than it’s been thus far, and soon my mom will come over for an evening chat. I love that part of the day. Chatting with my husband and my mom while Wavy lulls a bit on the bed. Tomorrow, Jerilee will join! I can’t wait!