Last time I checked, I hated Superstore.

I have never been fond of Superstore. I appreciate their prices but have always hated the store. I would become very anxious every time we would go, to a point where sometimes I would choose to wait in the car. After much thought and figuring with my mom, we figured maybe it was the white floors and the fluorescent lights that gave me headaches. And anxiety was related to pushing the cart and getting lost in aisles when I couldn’t get around people. It all sounds silly, I know, but it was a very real frustration of mine. In the last few years, I have been getting better and better at just going in, getting my list done, and leaving. But then the renos came and I couldn’t find anything anymore. Again. I hate Superstore.

My mom loved taking us grocery shopping as kids. So she says, anyway. I’ve never met someone else who says they enjoy grocery shopping with kids, but she always made it sound great. I’ve taken Dekker grocery shopping in the past, but only really to pick up a few things that would fit in the bottom of his stroller. Today was our first official cart shop. And I loved it. He was the most adorable passenger ever.

He was very helpful, and sat patiently while I scanned through my disorganized list and went back and forth down rows, forgetting things.

My favorite part of our shop was buying Brady sandwich meat. I ordered our usual “500 of black forest ham please” and five seconds later, Dekker burst our crying. I don’t know why, for sure. He was holding this box and I wonder if he got a pinch or it jabbed into his stomach a bit? Either way, he wasn’t crying a fussy cry, he was sad. The lady behind the deli counted asked if maybe he wold like a piece of ham, if it was alright with me. I said of course, just pull it off the top of what we were buying. She scoffed at me, saying “oh, its just one piece” and passed us a free piece. I was so touched. I know a little piece of ham may seem like a silly blessing, but I find those kinds of things so special. When a Walmart greeter sneaks a yellow happy face sticker onto Dekker’s hand, or the cashier at Tim Hortons gives him a timbit, I feel loved. I mean, I think Dekker is fabulous. And I find it so exciting when other people think so too. I hope he can feel the love.

We finished up at Superstore in decent time, but not without several compliments on his “cool” and “trendy” toque. Not my words. Theirs. 🙂 Groceries were the last thing on the list, so from there we headed out of the city. Minutes after being in the car…

Someone was done for the day. Well, down for a nap anyway. He slept the entire drive home, and actually let me lay him down in his crib to keep sleeping.

I no longer fear Superstore. I eat Superstore for breakfast. So does Dekker.

mama jeanne

I’m so glad you enjoyed grocery shopping with Dekker, Hailey. Isn’t it just a blast to have that little morsel to talk to and play with while you shop. He’s such a sweetie baby. And so are you, my baby forever and for always 🙂 Love you!

mama jeanne

I’m so glad you enjoyed grocery shopping with Dekker, Hailey. Isn’t it just a blast to have that little morsel to talk to and play with while you shop. He’s such a sweetie baby. And so are you, my baby forever and for always 🙂 Love you!