Relief! ish…

I know no one but me really cares, but our water boil order is OVER! It is still an advisory, but apparently that means we still need to boil water we want to drink straight, but washing dishes, brushing our teeth, etc. is perfectly safe. It is about time!

I’ve been getting more and more anxious about the water thing. My house is a complete mess. Worse than usual. If I were to run warm water and wipe the table, would it be contaminated? I haven’t been able to bathe Dekker since he sucks his fingers sometimes, and I am scared he’ll get violently ill. I’ve barely brushed my teeth even, since rinsing out the brush by pouring water over it never gets it all out of the bristles, which to me is grosser than just not brushing. But now, it is all over. We will just use our water cooler/dispenser thing for drinking water, and go back to normal for everything else. Yay!

I had things to do today, but they didn’t happen. I know people with kids often use the time while their babies sleep to get things done. I give myself that time to be lazy and rest. However, I woke Dekker up from his night at 1:20pm. He ate a solid “breakfast” and barely lasted through playtime. I made him stay away until 3:oo before I put him back down to sleep. Dekker has always slept through any kind of discomfort, whether he’s teething, has a cold, or is growing like mad. I’m thinking its growing again.

I am so proud of Dekker these days. He took his first step last week, and every day he goes a little further. He can make it from the ottoman to the couch, which is about three or four steps. And its not a “step run biff” situation anymore. He walks intentionally, taking a step out, balancing, looking at me to make sure I’m watching, and then going for it. No fear. He is not the kid that is afraid to let go. He is totally game for it! He just doesn’t rush with anything. I LOVE that quality. He is my content son.

Until we put him in the bath. Sigh. Probably should do that soon, now that the water is safe. Dangit.