Laundry Machines and Makeup

We picked up some new (to us) laundry machines on Friday, and they’ve been hanging out in Bradys van since then. We reached out in town for someone to help us get the old ones out and the new ones in, but no one could help. So today, we figured we’d do them ourselves. It wasn’t the smartest move, really. I pushed it WAY too hard, and am now dizzy and sore and really, really feeling it. Moving four machines up and down a narrow flight of 14 stairs is a huge job. It helps that the machines look good! They need a good clean up, but I’m not too worried about that at all. Happy to do it. Not today, because I hurt too much, but maybe tomorrow evening when my body has loosened back up.

All of that aside, I want to put something out there that I’m excited about! My dear friend, Jerilee, sells Mary Kay, and is about to have an exciting month!! ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of her sales will be donated to the Saskatoon cancer clinic!!! This is her sales only, keep in mind 😀 If you’d like any more info, or to show your support for the cause she is fighting for, her website is

Thats all for me for today. I’m bushed and achy. I hear muscle tone is a thing…..