Looking Forward

I’m quite determined to enjoy winter this year rather than just suffer through it. Remind me of this when I kick and scream about it, ok? 😉

Trust me, I know its not winter yet. Its technically not even fall. Yet, its clear that the warm weather is gone. So I’m a little early on the subject but thats ok, too.

Already on my calendar, in the coming months, I have so many fun things to look forward to. Lots of visits with friends. Leading worship at church. Rowan starting preschool. Getting my hair redone. Taking family pictures. Finally renting a movie I’ve been aching to see since spring. Another coffeehouse gig. Kids club starting. A road trip with a friend. Halloween. The local Christmas marketplace. The gift exchange I’m organizing. A craft retreat. Another coffeehouse gig. The list goes on and on! And that list doesn’t include the non-calendar things like hot chocolate. Mukluks. Knitting and crocheting. Soup. Christmas shopping. Christmas lights and music. Warm air coming through the vents. Hot baths. Fleece kids jammies. Blankets.

All kinds of cozy reasons to love winter, right? I’m weirdly ready for it.