Waverly’s Voice

Miss Baby Head over here has found her voice, and let me tell you. She LOVES to scream. Screaming is a HARD part of kids for me. I think some of it comes into play from Dekker being so fearful when he was younger. For one reason or another, he hated baths. Some of you who have been here for the long haul might remember this. Dekker was terrified of baths. We. Tried. Everything. And every single bath, he would scream like he was being skinned alive. It was unreal, and a HUGE source of anxiety for myself, and obviously for him. From there, he went on to have a brutally persistent yeast infection on his bum for the better part of a YEAR. Again, we tried everything. We were at the doctors constantly. It was SO difficult. If you’ve ever had a kid with yeast spots on their bum, you know how painful that is. Dekker survived a lot of pain in that stretch of time. But WOW did he scream. It was a really hard part of my beautiful first little baby boy, and I think it plays a role in my extra-low tolerance for screaming today.

As all babies do, Waverly has found her voice, and she is a big fan. And a loud fan. And while its cute and funny and important and communication and all that good stuff, I haaaaate it!! Gah! Stop screaming, baby!!

Now, when Wavy wakes up, she screams. She doesn’t even cry necessarily, but she screams! No tears, or even frustration necessarily. But SCREAMING!! Does anyone else feel this way with me? I know its just a stage, and at least she’s learning some basic words and communication skills that will soon make her “need” to scream a little less. Don’t tell me I’ll miss it when its gone. I will not. Not this stage. Nope nope nope.

Yesterday, I foolishly had a snack. Who did I think I was? It was just a handful of swiss cheese crackers. As you can imagine, the little Miss stood beside me and screamed blood murder. And like, you have to picture it. She just stood there, totally calm, clear face, screaming at the top of her lungs, as high as she could, staring at my crackers. Conveniently, I had the bottom of the bag in my little bowl, so I gave her the little shreds while I ate the bigger pieces.

But. Try and convince a one year old that the crackers are legitimately gone at the end. Talk to a wall. I said and signed “all done” and knew she’d be ticked for a minute there, but she just stood in front of me, stared at my face, and screamed looooong drawn out screams, over and over, as though I was lying to her. She was not convinced.

And she would not be convinced. There was only reprieve by her siblings entering the room and inviting her to join their game. She spent over an hour in the boys bedroom while they “built forts” (played with blankets) and built duplo. There was MUCH laughter and very few tears. She is SO happy to play with her siblings.

And I am SO happy when she’s not screaming!