Markers, Markers, and More Markers!

How is it only 11:00pm? We are all wiped out, and I fully blame the nice walk we took in the gorgeous weather today! It was a lovely little outing. Dekker and Laela rode in the sled, the adults walked, and the boys seemed to just slide from hill to hill along the road. It was fun and brusque and sunshiney. I loved it. This is the best kind of tired to be.

Keith, Jonquil, and the boys brought so many great toys for Dekker this weekend, among them a bunch of Duplo and an easel for dry erase markers, chalk, and paper, of course. Well, that easel is a HUGE win! By the end of the day, Dekker was covered in marker, from right between his eyes down to his socks. I chucked everything in the wash the second he was undressed at the end of the day,  but currently, the yellow and orange are still being somewhat persistent. We’ll see. I have his shirt soaking in a nice cold sink of water with some detergent. Hoping it’ll all come clean by tomorrow. But if not, it was still worth it. He was so happy to play with the markers, as if it gave him a whole new independence he had never had before. I’m excited to try to find some big paper to clip up there so he can go nuts with his crayons too. Maybe eventually paint, but I’m thinking he wouldn’t appreciate the mess at this point.

We spent a lot of time downstairs together while the boys played Mario Party and built big trucks and wrestled. It was fun to watch and to photograph. Laela took nice naps on both Auntie and Uncle. We even played a few games of tile rummy but I didn’t win so that’s irrelevant.

Ok something funny is happening here. It’s saying my connection is lost and it’s officially not backing up this post, so in gonna finish it up before it’s gone. Sleep tight.