On our own

Our company has gone, and the house is sooo quiet! They were lovely guests, and we all had a really wonderful time. This morning, Dekker was easily coaxed downstairs by his cousins, and everyone played and listened to a Berenstein Bear book being read aloud. It was a great morning, and we were sad to see them go. Hopefully we get to visit with them again soon!

We spent the afternoon catching up on laundry, doing a few dishes. and not a whole lot else. While our company was far from “work,” we are tired. Dekker went down for his nap well and Laela played on the floor quietly for a decent amount of time, giving Brady and I time to zone out and lay completely still. These moments sure don’t last long, but they were a treat.

Poor Brady has to go back to work tomorrow, while I get to lay around with my kids in our jammies and accomplish very little. I’m totally looking forward to it! We have yummy leftovers from the weekend to feed us all, so I don’t have to think too much about meals even. Should be a super low key day over here. Anyone care to join the lazy fun?