Melatonin Monday: Part Sixteen

This isn’t so much about melatonin, but its about Rowan. For those of you who have followed and shown genuine care and concern for him all along the way, I knew you’d want to know the latest.

I spoke to the school’s counselor today. I was told last week that Ro is struggling with a few things, and has been expressing that he is VERY angry, OFTEN. When his teacher came to me with this, I was initially SO embarrassed. Rowan’s behavior has improved so much in the last year or so, and I was pretty discouraged to hear that he was struggling. I was warmly reassured by his teacher that we are all a team, and we all care for Rowan, and we want him to be as healthy and happy as he can be! She made me feel calm and understood, and I happily told her I would accept the help the school counselor would offer him. Realistically, Rowan has needed counsel for a long time, and I haven’t been able to commit to the appointments this year.

I make no excuses, and I humbly accept the fact that my kid needs some outside help.

The school counselor, Rachel, and I chatted on the phone this afternoon. She asked for a bit of history and how he’s progressed in his behavior, how we handle certain situations, and what the goals are. What I LOVED was that she told me that we are doing just about everything she would recommend. She said her ideas are merely tweaks to what we’re already doing. She says she completely hears my heart when I talk about Rowan, and she believes that are goals are the right ones. It was SO reassuring to my heart that she could hear how deeply I love him.

She gave me a few ideas of things she’d like me to try out when Rowan gets upset, and gently suggested some ways he might be feeling that maybe I haven’t considered since things got more out of hand. She was right on the money, and I completely honestly told her I am game for a few weeks of changes to test out some new ideas.

She will meet with him next week. I’m really excited to get some more input from someone who knows their stuff and wants to help my kid and, by default, our family.