About Our House

I want to say that I really appreciate everyone’s love and care regarding my post yesterday. Many of you got in touch over text and otherwise to encourage us. It was a hard blog for me to write. A lot of emotional energy went into it. Now that the idea is out in the open, I figure I should answer a couple of questions I was asked a handful of times.

We WILL stay local, yes. We LOVE our town and everything that comes along with it. Our people are here. Our community is not something we would be willing to give up. The idea of leaving our street and our house clump is hard enough to wrap my head around. But not this town.

Our ideal would be to build another house. Not because we’re fancy 💁‍♀️but because there is nothing locally for sale that fits our needs in terms of layout and accessibility. But that raises all kinds of other things. The big ones…

I am petrified to attempt to carry two mortgages.

If we sold first, where would we go?

The ONLY way this would really work out is if God intervenes. I don’t know how else it could happen. We basically need someone to buy this house, but not actually want it for six months or so.

God, we trust YOU to do the impossible, if it is Your will. Help us in our unbelief.