Meryl Wanna…..

An anecdote to share from our drive home on Sunday…

While we were driving through North Battleford, we stopped at a light next to a parking lot. Dekker was reading signs, and inquired…

“Why does that sign say “weed shop?”

At first I joked and told him they sold weeds there. But then I decided to be an adult, and we talked about it for real. I asked Dekker if he had ever heard of marijuana. He hadn’t, so I filled him in, in an age appropriate way. He accepted my answer, that weed is basically slang for marijuana. No big deal.

After the conversation bubbled out, Wavy quietly asked “Meryl?” If you’ve missed it or forgotten, Meryl is our robot vacuum. And Wavy hates Meryl, haha! I put together pretty quickly that she was hearing “Meryl” in the word “marijuana.”

I laughed, and said to her “Meryl wannaaaaa… get you!”

Wavy: 😳NOOOOOOO!!!

I shouldn’t laugh, but it was a little funny to see her get so nervous. It was ok, though. She trusts me, so when I laughed, she relaxed. All is well. Meryl hasn’t gotten her since, don’t worry.

A cute little laugh to avoid the heaviness in my heart this morning. I hope you laughed with me.