“Milk Cereal”

We’ve been giving Laela solid food for a couple of weeks now, occasionally missing days here and there. We’ve been consistent maybe the last five days. We’re starting with rice cereal, or as Dekker calls it, milk cereal. I know, I know, its not recommended as a starter food anymore. BUT I’m confident in our choice 🙂 We’re researched up and doctor approved! I think its a great starter for us to use to train her how to swallow something bigger than just straight milk without it just spilling out.

We fed Dekker solid foods here and there, but didn’t really get too serious about it until closer to a year. I felt incredibly judged by a lot of people because of this decision, but not only was Dekker completely uninterested, but he also was a projectile vomiter. It was awful to be part of his barfing episodes, and they were even worse where solid foods were concerned. Basically, he was growing like crazy, sleeping even more so, and we weren’t in a rush. So by the time we started feeding him with a spoon regularly, he picked it up right away.

Laela is a bit more of a go-getter. I mean no slam against Dekker, but he was very laid back, and she is much more adventurous. She is very grabby and puts everything in her mouth. Sitting on my lap at the table, my plate has to be really far from her. I figured it was time to get her table acquainted maybe a week before six months. I think I also jumped on this process a little sooner because of all he judgement I felt the first time around. However, being that this is a completely different situation, I’m not sure how its supposed to look.

The little miss is getting much better at being able to eat without spitting her food everywhere, but her concept of opening her mouth for the spoon is not there. At all. Its very much in her character to be easily distracted, so we feed more on a schedule than on demand, since she’d always rather be playing. That being said, am I getting on this too soon? Is this what lots of babies do when they start solids, or is she not ready? I know that every baby is different, but I’d like to know how long it took your babies to anticipate the food, and want it, and open their mouth for it. Anyone??IMG_4663


Looking pretty unimpressed, if you ask me 🙂


I remember Vincent at 6 months didn’t want to open his mouth at first but when I touched the spoon to his lips he would stick his tongue out to test it and then he’d open up it took a while for him to get the concept of opening up for the spoon