More Diapers, More Papers

I’ve had a decent amount of productive days over the past couple of weeks, but the other day I had a fail day, where none of the tasks I started I completed. I stripped diapers, only to discover that I hadn’t stripped half of what needed to be done. And I sorted through a large pile of paperwork thinking it was the last of its kind, only to find a much larger second pile. I was sooo bummed at the end of that day that I didn’t try and finish the tasks up.

I saved them for today, apparently. It was a good day, really. The kids were in great spirits when they were up, and both slept beautifully for all of their naps. I can’t complain at all. In the morning, I stripped a ton more diapers. I still have ten more to strip another day, because I didn’t feel good making the laundry load so large. But I got most of that done anyway. It wasn’t so bad. And I finished up that large stack of paperwork! I discovered most of it was garbage and I threw it out. Yay!! I felt quite productive in the small way of having two tasks. I had a nice visit with my mother in law in the afternoon, and the whole fam went to visit my parents for a couple of hours in the evening.

Today felt refreshing and like I wish every day felt. Happy kids, got a couple of things done, but nothing labour intensive, I could rest for part of the time that the kids rested, and we didn’t have screaming over supper. Couldn’t have asked for more, really.

I hope everyone else had as good a day as I did! Any good stories?