
I think I’ve talked about them before, but my friend, Willa, gave me some daylilies a few years back. They were beautiful and enormous and I was so happy for them. And then I doddled and doddled and they were dead by the time I planted them. I felt guilty and yucky. Low and behold, they bloom beautifully every year, and the ironic part is that Willa’s don’t. I’m sorry!! If mine have babies, you can definitely come steal from them! That’s kind of a scary thought. Stealing babies is frowned upon. Maybe we’ll call them the neighbours instead. That seems slightly more socially acceptable.


We spent the better part of the day at home, being lazy. The kids hung out in their diapers in our hot, hot house.


I put them down for their nap early, because we were going out mid-afternoon. They went down at 1:00 and Dekker was out immediately. Laela, however, rolled around happily for over an hour and a half!!! All of a sudden, she burst out crying, and moments later, she was asleep. Twenty minutes later, I woke them both, got them dressed, and we headed out the door.

Yay for getting your legs waxed! I hadn’t had a chance to welcome summer yet due to the grossness of my legs. The wind in my leg hair felt like spiders. I know thats a lot of information, but its true. It was this morning, when walking up our carpeted stairs and feeling the static electricity pull my hair towards them that I knew I was overdue. So that was a huge relief, and I feel considerably more comfortable now than I did then. Yay!

Brady dropped me off at the mall after that. I went to Bath and Body Works while he went to pick up some food. Dekker loves his fries, and since he’s been so misbehaved in the city lately, he keeps losing that privilege. That means we lose it to, which is a super bummer, haha! So this trip, he didn’t get to go out anywhere, so we all got fast food for supper. Yum! On my trip to the mall, I returned a bunch of product I wasn’t happy with, paid $3.50 and got eight candles!!! It was a great haul, and my bedroom will smell like earl grey tea for MONTHS! I love that smell.

We quickly hit up our banks drive-thru ATM to grab our weekly savings (is anyone else doing that?) and were on our way home. Not tons of errands, but we got out of the house, which was the most important part.

When we got home, the kids played in the living room, Brady played guitar with them, and I did a bit more work in our bathroom. Brady put up a shelf above our bathroom door to hold all of our extra things that kind of sort of go in a bathroom but have no real place, like extra hand soaps, candles, cleaning supplies, etc. I don’t have a picture of the shelf with the stuff on it, but here’s the shelf anyway.


I highly recommend that everyone gets one of these. It is incredible.

Kids are tucked away, and a not-too-hot bath is waiting for me. But first, Brady and I are going to wander around the garden for a few minutes. Its all weeded and tilled and doesn’t require much past watering right now, but I’m curious to see how much its grown since the huge job of getting it so cleaned up!

Off to get some sun before it goes down  ☼