New Routine

Brady was home today. The plan was laundry and movies and just having a family day. As I said, that was the plan. How often do things actually lay out that way?

My mom got home last night! She was visiting family and arrived stupidly late last night, so I called her late this morning to wish her a belated happy birthday and see how her trip had been. She had lots of great memories to tell me about, and seemed happy with the visit and just as happy to be home. Then we talked a bit about the things she missed while she was gone. I told her I had found and swiped her pelvic support belt. I talked about how I tried to wear it and while it was an improvement, it wasn’t all right. She suggested I call Dr. Mike’s office and see if they would just stick me in somewhere in the day to quickly learn how to wear it and ask a question or two. I agreed that it was a smart idea, since I’d like to get it right sooner than later rather than do more damage. So we finished our visit, I went and put on some comfy around the house clothes, dragged some laundry downstairs, and then called the clinic. It was 11:10am.

The receptionist said she thought it would be a good idea to come in and ask some questions, free of charge. (YES!) And then it went like this:

His last appointment is at noon so I’ll just stick you in after that.
Noon? Today?
Yes. He has to leave immediately afterwards to make it to a board meeting in Regina. But a few questions will be fine.
Ok, if you’re sure. I gotta get on the road right now!
I’m out of town.
Well then yes you do!

I was out the door five minutes later. No deodorant. No makeup. I didn’t even brush my teeth. And I was in ill-fitting clothing. I just grabbed the belt, my wallet, my phone and keys, and was out the door. On the highway at 11:!5.

And at Dr. Mike’s office at 11:59. To put it lightly, I made beautiful time and didn’t see one cop. Which was a relief.

In making great time, I actually waited in the main waiting room for a few minutes. I was pretty relieved I hadn’t held anything up. While I waited, a woman came through to book an appointment and had a very strange attitude. Very dramatic and VERY uncomfortable. She had a long list of demands and needed a very specific appointment time. The receptionists there are frightfully, almost annoyingly polite, and dealt with her seamlessly, but when she was gone they all looked a little relieved. They know me by now, so we all had a little giggle over her behaviour before a room opened up.

Fastest appointment ever. But I rushed it as well, knowing full well Dr. Mike had somewhere to be. He was really happy with the belt I brought and said it was the exact type he was talking about. I learned how and where to wear it, and that thankfully, there’s a little bit of wiggle room, so if I get it sitting a little wrong, its not going to hurt anything. However, there is no wiggle room with the actual room. Nooo wiggling. It needs to be as tight as possible. He put it on me as tight as he could, and then I yanked it over one notch further. I’ll say right now that its sadly NOT a fashion statement. It looks very “medical” in my opinion, but the way it holds me together makes it completely worth it. Done and done in a few minutes, no charge. Loved it.

I ran over to Dollarama afterwards and picked up a few things I had forgotten to get the other day while I was there. A tablecloth for outside, bubbles, sprinkles, things like that. Then to Costco for flowers for my mom. However, its Costco, and you can’t leave without scanning through the sleepers. Being that our baby only has three little sleepers than will fit right away, I felt I could justify buying a few. So I picked out three new ones, two of which are the super soft fuzzy ones. One has cupcakes and one has dots and owls. The other cotton one is grey striped with a little pink fox on it. LOVE them!

I brought my mom the flowers from our family, and we plunked down for a bit more of a visit. Its impossible to drop in on her and not visit for hours. So we had a great chat before I headed back home to my husband, my sleeping son, and lunch.

The rest of the evening has been nice and low key. The laundry was just about finished when I arrived home so I helped finish it off, and other than that, we jumped into our new evening routine of going outside to water the garden and play on the deck. We blew bubbles and played with a soccer ball. Dekker just loves it out there!



However, this particular playtime resulted in a very messy, grey faced little boy. I’m not sure what did it this time specifically, but he was way too dirty. So inside for a bath we went. From his new favorite place to his consistently least favorite place. It was pretty traumatic getting him in the tub but once in, he did a lot better. However, I will never know how people can pour water over their kids heads without them crying. He HATES it and I can’t find another way to rinse him off. So I finally just go for it and he screams bloody murder. Worst ever. But we lived. Barely, apparently.

Brady took a nice long time getting Deks dried off, changed, and dressed for bed. When they came for cuddles, I could already tell that actual cuddles were out of the question. So I pulled out the laptop and played a video of Caity and Stefan reading him a story. He loved it sooo much, so we watched it one more time. Then I asked him if it was nighttime and he got sooo excited!! See, thats just how our weird son operates if we catch him at that perfect window. Not overtired, but just tired enough. He grabbed his blanket and basically dive bombed Brady to carry him to bed. No tears, no fussing. Just eye rubbing. It was perfect.

Now, our bath is run, no diaper laundry today, garden is watered, and watermelon is sliced and ready to be eaten. Sooo ready!